FAFSA 2024更新

Due to nationwide delays in the FAFSA process, all new 和 returning students will receive their financial aid awards later than usual this year. FAFSA 2024常见问题

Loyola has extended the enrollment deposit deadline for incoming first-year students to June 1, 2024. 阅读全文

泽维尔一个. 科尔,艾德.D.


泽维尔一个. 科尔,艾德.D., with his commitment to the tenets of Jesuit education, his dedication to empowering his campus community, 和 his love of jazz is Loyola’s 18th president.

Dr. 科尔是第一个有色人种, 第二个外行人, to serve as president since Loyola’s founding in 1912. He is committed to strengthening the university by seeking mission-aligned partnerships, improving the school’s financial health 和 stability, 和 investing in those who work 和 learn here.

在洛约拉之前,博士. 科尔 was the Vice President of the Division of 学生事务 at Marquette University, 从2016年开始. He brought particular passion to access 和 engagement initiatives for first-generation students 和 students of color, including enhancing support for African American 和 Hispanic students, as well as exp和ing services for LGBTQ+ students. He also won praise for chairing Marquette’s COVID-19 Response Team, starting in the dem和ing days of March 2020.

比洛克西的产物, 密西西比州, he holds a bachelor’s in history from the University of 密西西比州, 和 a master’s degree in history from Miami University (Ohio). He discovered his passion for student affairs as a Resident Advisor at Ole Miss 和 then as a graduate hall director at Miami.

2013年,Dr。. 科尔 earned a doctorate in higher education management from the University of Pennsylvania. His dissertation explored the outcomes of mission 和 identity programs at U.S. Jesuit universities 和 analyzed their effectiveness in preparing future lay leaders at Jesuit universities. Its prescient title is “Answering the call: An examination of the development of lay leadership on Jesuit, 天主教大学校园.”

In continuing his interest in Jesuit education, Dr. 科尔 was a co-chair for the 任务优先级考试 at Marquette, 和 he was appointed as a visiting team member for the 任务优先级考试s at Creighton 和 Seattle universities.

幻灯片 /

在担任马奎特大学的职务之前. 科尔 spent more than two decades shaping student life at higher education institutions in 马里兰.

2014 - 2016年, he was vice president for student affairs 和 dean of students at Washington College, a small liberal arts college in Chestertown, 马里兰, which holds the distinction of being the first college chartered in the sovereign United States. 1995年至2014年,博士. 科尔 held roles of increasing responsibility within the Division of Student Development at Loyola University 马里兰, leaving Baltimore in 2014 as assistant vice president.

一种不寻常的爱好体现了Dr. 科尔’s love of student life 和 makes him well-suited to a campus within the birthplace of jazz. At each stop in his career as a senior administrator, Dr. 科尔, an accomplished trombone 和 euphonium player, has sought permission to audition for 和 play in student 乐团坑爵士乐队. (His mother sang professionally; his father was a b和 leader.)

目前,博士. 科尔 serves as chair for the University of Pennsylvania 研究生 School of Education Executive Doctorate 校友 Board. 2017年至2022年, he was vice chair 和 director of the education committee on the board of Messmer Catholic Schools, a K-12 network of Catholic schools serving Milwaukee’s north 和 west sides.

Dr. 科尔的丈夫是历史学家. Susanne DeBerry 科尔 和 is the proud dog-father of a feisty cairn terrier named Mingus.


地点:221 Marquette Hall
电话: (504) 865-3847
电子邮件: pres@a8xi.com


6363 St. 查尔斯大街
新奥尔良,LA 70118


The president's dining room is available for meetings.

联系Desiree Rodriguez desiree@a8xi.com 预订房间.