FAFSA 2024更新

Due to nationwide delays in the FAFSA process, 今年,所有新生和返校学生将比往年晚些时候获得助学金. FAFSA 2024常见问题

洛约拉已经延长了入学存款的截止日期为即将到来的一年级学生到2024年6月1日. 阅读全文


学生可以选择这样做 校园试镜 or submit a pre-recorded audition video. All video auditions are submitted through the students' 洛约拉应用门户. 纯粹的音频试听(没有视频)是不可接受的,不会被审查. 申请音乐教育, 音乐治疗和音乐产业研究中的BM需要用他们的主要乐器试镜. 

Review the drop-down menus below for specific repertoire requirements.


All applicants should be prepared to perform the following:

  • 标准曲目中两个对比鲜明的曲目/乐章/练习曲,无伴奏演奏
  • 所有的大调音阶和半音阶,涵盖了乐器的实际范围
  • Optional: a piece on a secondary instrument or a jazz/standard song

问题? 联系 Dr. 尼克中场

All applicants should be prepared to perform all of the following:

  • Standard drum rudiments in open-closed-open style
  • Snare drum rudimentary-style solo or etude
  • Keyboard percussion solo or etude using 2- and/or 4-mallet technique 
  • 定音鼓独奏或练习曲
  • Optional: demonstration of basic jazz styles (swing, bossa, funk, etc.) on drum set or a piece on a secondary instrument

问题? 联系 Dr. 尼克中场

Violin | Viola | Cello | String Bass

  • Applicants should prepare two pieces in contrasting styles (i.e. one technical and the other lyrical) from the standard repertoire. The selections may be movements of a sonata, concerto, etude, etc. 无人陪伴的
  • 选择一个大调和一个小调音阶:3个八度,每弓至少2个音符
  • 在校试镜的申请者将接受视读能力测试:申请者将被要求演奏4-8段管弦乐选段

问题? 联系 艾米Thiaville

申请者应准备两段风格对比的标准管弦乐选段. 无人陪伴的

  • Applicants should prepare two pieces in contrasting styles (renaissance, 巴洛克式的, 经典, 浪漫的, or contemporary) from the standard repertoire - 无人陪伴的
  • Applicants must perform their selections from memory

问题? 联系 Dr. 吉恩·蒙特斯

洛约拉大学的管风琴教学方法是建立在良好的基本钢琴技术基础上的, 这种方法在19世纪末和20世纪初到中期被教授. 这种方法的支持者是法国管风琴演奏家和教师,如查尔斯·玛丽·维多和马塞尔·杜普莱尔, and their American counterparts like Lynnwood Farnam, 哈罗德·格里森, 米尔德里德安德鲁斯, Catharine Crozier and Clyde Holloway. 在最严格的技术意义上, if the prospective student has developed a solid piano technique, they need not have yet had any organ lessons. 必要的钢琴曲目水平必须包括一些巴赫的两部分发明和一些前奏曲和赋格的好律键盘. Works by later composers would include: Mozart Piano Sonatas; earlier Beethoven Piano Sonatas; Mendelssohn Songs Without Words; 肖邦 Preludes and Waltzes; and, smaller-scales works by Robert 舒曼 and Johannes Brahms.

If the prospective student has already had organ study, they should prepare at least two organ works as follows:

1. An original organ composition by Johann Sebastian Bach, preferably of at least average difficulty, 如:

  • 前奏曲:前奏曲、托卡塔曲或赋格曲中的任何一种,包括较小的早期作品
  • Any chorale preludes, including the Orgelbüchlein
  • A movement from any of the Trio Sonatas

2. 第二篇对比风格和时期的作品,难度至少适中. 最好是写于19世纪的管风琴原创作品,例如:

  • Anything by Felix Mendelssohn or Johannes Brahms
  • 查尔斯·玛丽·维多(Charles Marie Widor)的《易胜博》十二首主要管风琴作品中的任何一首, 亚历山大Guilmant, eug Gigout或lacimon Boëllmann第二首曲子也可能出自巴赫的前辈或同时代人之手,如弗朗索瓦·库伯林, 迪特里希Buxtehude, J. G. 沃尔特和文森特·莱尔贝克.

Also acceptable are works from the 20th or 21st Centuries, 如:

  • 路易·维尔纳、约瑟夫·琼根、让·朗莱、马塞尔·杜普莱尔或莫里斯·杜鲁弗莱的作品;
  • Anything by Olivier Messiaen or Jehan Alain;
  • Any Movement from one of the three organ sonatas of Paul Hindemith;
  • Original organ compositions by American composers.

If the student has learned how to play hymns, 他们还将被要求在最短的准备时间内演奏一首标准的赞美诗.

If the prospective student is auditioning at the organ, 他们将被安排在用于试演的管风琴上进行准备和练习, 并且应该计划在预定的试镜日期前至少两天到达新奥尔良,以便有足够的时间准备. 建造者的身份和器官的规格将提前发送给未来的学生, as well as information about the church or synagogue in which it is located. The instrument for the audition will be selected to suit the repertoire of the prospective student; hence, 学生应于海选日期前最少两星期缴交海选曲目表.


  • The first, swing style in a medium-to-fast tempo: Blues or standard melody
  • The second, a slow ballad that demonstrates jazz interpretation
  • Be prepared to demonstrate improvisation on both selections

Applicants will audition with jazz backing tracks of their own choosing. You are encouraged to use resources such as learnjazzstandards.com 为你的试镜做准备. 学生们应该准备好演奏一段爵士独奏录音的一小段摘录,与原始录音一起演奏. 如果学生提交一个视频试镜,这个转录是可选的.

问题? 联系 Dr. 戈登殴打


  • The first, swing style in a medium-to-fast tempo: Blues or standard melody
  • The second, a slow ballad that demonstrates jazz interpretation
  • Be prepared to demonstrate improvisation on both selections

Applicants will audition with jazz backing tracks of their own choosing. You are encouraged to use resources such as learnjazzstandards.com 为你的试镜做准备. 学生们应该准备好演奏一段爵士独奏录音的一小段摘录,与原始录音一起演奏. 如果学生提交一个视频试镜,这个转录是可选的.

问题? 联系 Dr. 戈登殴打


  • The first, swing style in a medium-to-fast tempo: Blues or standard melody
  • The second, a slow ballad that demonstrates jazz interpretation
  • 准备好展示即兴选择和步行低音线

Applicants will audition with jazz backing tracks of their own choosing. You are encouraged to use resources such as learnjazzstandards.com 为你的试镜做准备. 学生们应该准备好演奏一段爵士独奏录音的一小段摘录,与原始录音一起演奏. 如果学生提交一个视频试镜,这个转录是可选的.

问题? 联系 Dr. 戈登殴打


  • The first, swing style in a medium-to-fast tempo: Blues or standard melody
  • The second, a slow ballad that demonstrates jazz interpretation
  • Be prepared to demonstrate improvisation on both selections

You are encouraged to use resources such as learnjazzstandards.com 为你的试镜做准备. 学生们应该准备好演奏一段爵士独奏录音的一小段摘录,与原始录音一起演奏. 如果学生提交一个视频试镜,这个转录是可选的.

问题? 联系 Dr. 戈登殴打

  • 申请人将被要求证明对基本风格的熟练程度:摇摆, 洗牌, 之旅, 放克和拉丁凹槽
  • Be prepared to demonstrate soloing (trading 4’s or 8’s), 刷玩, and sight-read a short big band excerpt
  • Play-alongs are encouraged if the tunes selected are in an appropriate style. You are encouraged to use resources such as learnjazzstandards.com 为你的试镜做准备
  • Ability in mallet percussion and 经典 styles may also be demonstrated
  • 学生们应该准备好演奏一段爵士独奏录音的一小段摘录,与原始录音一起演奏. 如果学生提交一个视频试镜,这个转录是可选的.

问题? 联系 Dr. 戈登殴打


  • Be prepared to demonstrate improvisation on one or both selections
  • You are encouraged to use resources such as learnjazzstandards.com 为你的试镜做准备

Applicants will audition with jazz backing tracks of their own choosing. 学生们应该准备好演奏一段爵士独奏录音的一小段摘录,与原始录音一起演奏. 如果学生提交一个视频试镜,这个转录必须是可选的.

问题? 联系 Dr. 戈登殴打

面试的申请人 音乐表演学士学位 专业应准备:

  • J的作品.S. Bach (Prelude and Fugue from WTC, French or English Suite, Partita)
  • Two contrasting movements from a sonata by Haydn, Mozart, or Beethoven
  • A work from either the 19th or 20th century (for example, 肖邦, 李斯特, 舒曼, 德彪西, 拉威尔, 拉赫玛尼诺夫, 普罗科菲耶夫)
  • 考生还应该能够演奏所有的大调和小调音阶和琶音(4个八度)在一个中等快的节奏

参加面试的申请人 音乐治疗,音乐产业,音乐选修课,音乐创作,或音乐教育 with piano as their principal instrument should prepare:

  • 中等快节奏的所有大音阶和小音阶及琶音(2个八度音阶
  • A work from the Baroque period (for example, a J.S. 巴赫的发明或交响乐, a dance/movement from a Suite or Partita, 前奏曲和赋格, 或斯卡拉蒂奏鸣曲)
  • 申请人选择的另一件作品(古典,浪漫,印象派,20世纪)

问题? 联系 Dr. 布莱恩许

  • Singers should prepare three contrasting selections from the art song, 咏叹调, 精神上的, 或经典的百老汇剧目.
    • One of your selections must be in a foreign language
    • 没有爵士曲调,原创歌曲,歌曲与铅页,流行或流行/百老汇,或无伴奏歌曲
    • Complete songs must be performed from memory

问题? 联系 Dr. 泰勒史密斯

音乐教育申请者将需要面试和试镜进入洛约拉. 请准备用您的主要乐器试音,并参阅以上各部分对每种乐器的要求.

Applicants can register for both their audition and interview through your 洛约拉应用门户. 您应该在提交申请后24小时内访问此门户网站. 

问题? 联系 Dr. 埃德•麦克莱伦

音乐治疗的申请者需要面试和试镜才能进入洛约拉大学. 请准备用您的主要乐器试音,并参阅以上各部分对每种乐器的要求.

Applicants can register for both their audition and interview through your 洛约拉应用门户. 您应该在提交申请后24小时内访问此门户网站. 

问题? 联系 Dr. 梅格·弗雷泽

音乐产业研究(BM)的申请人将需要面试和试镜进入洛约拉. 请准备用您的主要乐器试音,并参阅以上各部分对每种乐器的要求.

Applicants can register for both their audition and interview through your 洛约拉应用门户. 您应该在提交申请后24小时内访问此门户网站. 

问题? 联系 蒂莫西卡柏

流行音乐和商业音乐申请者将需要试镜进入洛约拉. Please prepare to audition with your primary instrument by reviewing 这些需求.

Applicants can register for their audition through their 洛约拉应用门户,他们本应在提交申请后24小时内查阅这些资料. 

问题? 联系 凯特·邓肯

嘻哈和R&B applicants will need to interview for admission to Loyola.

Applicants can register for their interview through their 洛约拉应用门户,他们本应在提交申请后24小时内查阅这些资料. 

问题? 联系 凯特·邓肯